Graphene is an allotrope of carbon consisting of a single layer of atoms arranged in a honeycomb-like nanostructure. Its name is derived from “graphite” and the suffix “-ene”, indicating that the graphite allotrope of carbon contains a large number of double bonds in a two-dimensional sheet.
In a graphene sheet, each atom is connected to its three nearest carbon neighbors via σ bonds and a non-local π bond that contributes to a valence band that extends over the entire sheet. This type of bonding is also observed in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The valence band is in contact with the conduction band, making graphene a semimetal with unusual electronic properties that are best described by theories of massless relativistic particles. Charge carriers in graphene exhibit a linear, rather than quadratic, energy-momentum dependence, and field-effect transistors can be fabricated with graphene that exhibit bipolar conduction. Charge transport over long distances is ballistic; the material exhibits large quantum fluctuations and large nonlinear diamagnetism.
The company “Payam Avaran Nano Fanavary Fardanger” (PNF) was established with the aim of developing improved products using nanotechnology. This company has pursued various projects in the field of producing Nano metals in the form of powder, colloids, or suspensions using innovative methods and has succeeded in producing high-quality Nano products. Currently, PNF offers a wide range of Nano metal powders, colloids, and suspensions, as well as metal oxides with high purity based on customer requests.